SIS Associates

Ana Carolina Tesch Benincá
Biologist (UFES – 2010), LLM degree on Environmental Management and Education (Faculdades Integradas Espírito Santenses – 2012) and MBA on Project Management (Estácio de Sá University – 2019). Her short trainings include “Introduction to ESG Finance” (SIS – Sustainable Inclusive Solutions); “GHG Emissions Inventories” (Synergia Trainings) and “Internal Audit ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System” (SGS Academy). From 2012 to 2014, she was operational responsible for the Linhares waste sorting plant, including logistical operationalization and active search for partnerships and suppliers, people management, training development, analysing production indicators and environmental education, working with governments, companies and other non-profit organisations. As Hospital Environmental Analyst, from 2014 to 2019, she was responsible for the environmental area, including environmental licensing, sustainability reporting, analysis of indicators, development of sustainability strategy. As a result, a 30% reduction in waste generated was achieved, as well as in the number of environmental requirements of the Health Surveillance. She also worked from 2019 to 2022 in the Environment area of Petrobrás, in the Environmental Education Program for workers, conducting onshore and offshore lectures in the company’s operating units, preparing educational materials, events and actions related to sustainability. She acts as an environmental consultant in Environmental Licensing, developing Waste Management Plans, and works with waste collectors associations and reverse logistics programs.

Ana Flávia Trevizan
Eco-lawyer and researcher on Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the New University of Lisbon. She holds a Master degree on Agro-Environmental Law from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2017), a LLM on Civil Law and Civil Procedure from Faculdade Toledo de Presidente Prudente (2015) and a Law degree from Faculdade Toledo de Presidente Prudente (2012). Member of the Latin American Climate Lawyers Network – Initiative for Mobilising Action (LACLIMA) and collaborator of the Observa-MT Network. She was Special Advisor of the Secretariat of Environment of the State of Mato Grosso (2018/2019), Professor of Environmental Law at Faculdade Cândido Rondon Cuiabá (2016/2018) and Visiting Professor of Post-graduation course on Environmental Law by EduCare Sinop (2018). She is an environmental consultant in socio-environmental public policies acting in Mato Grosso and a founding member of SIS.

Ana Paula Silva dos Santos
Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP, 2018); Master’s degree in Public Administration at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV, 2022), in the research stream “Institutions, Politics and Government”, with a focus on Sustainability, Climate Change and local Public Policies for adaptation to Climate Change. She worked in a national project led by SEBRAE and CNPq (2020-2021), aiming to increase innovation and productivity of a group of more than 20 companies.

Cleiton Jardeweski
Oceanographer with a degree from the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2003), LLM degrees on Education, Environment and Development (2006) and Environmental Economics, with emphasis on Environmental Business (2013), holds also Master degree on Coastal and Oceanic Systems (2011) from Centro de Estudos do Mar, all from the Federal University of Paraná, as well as a PhD degree on Environmental Science and Technology from the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2021), with research on Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Services in Conservation Units. He has executed and managed several projects on strategic socio-environmental management, participatory planning, economic valuation of environmental impacts, fisheries, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder engagement and socio-environmental risk for the oil and gas, mining, energy, infrastructure, logistics and financial sectors. He works as a court expert, on nature conservation, consultancy and environmental entrepreneurship. He is a member of the Working Group of Entrepreneurship in Marine Sciences (GTE) of the Executive Committee for Human Resources Training in Marine Sciences (PPG-Mar), and of the Institute Meros do Brasil. He is currently a senior consultant at Ramboll, providing services in Brazil and Latin America. He is a founding member of SIS.

Daniel de Souza Araújo
Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Getulio Vargas Foundation (2015), with a Professional Master’s degree in Business Administration from the same institution (in progress, with a full scholarship for academic performance). He completed a Master’s exchange programme at the University of Ghana Business School, on the subject of “Financing inclusive growth and development in frontier and developing countries” (2018). His international experience also includes an executive course at the Microfinance Association (England) – Advanced Programme on Microfinance and Social Performance Management (2018). He has more than 10 years’ professional experience in large financial institutions and fintechs, where he acquired knowledge of the structure and operations of the capital markets, consumer credit and banking products in general, project implementation and stakeholder services.

Fátima Tosini
She holds a Master’s degree (2005) and a Ph.D. degree (2013) in Economic Development – Space and Environment from the Institute of Economics at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), with researches on Socio-environmental Risk Management in Financial Institutions (Master’s degree, which resulted in a pioneering book on the subject) and on the role of self-regulation and financial regulation in socio-environmental matters (PhD). She was an Analyst at the Central Bank of Brazil between 1998 and 2014, where she worked in direct and indirect supervision of banking institutions and credit cooperatives, collaborated and coordinated several projects focused on supervision, governance, Social and Environmental Responsibility and Financial Education. She has extensive experience in training and consulting on Social and Environmental Responsibility for banking institutions, as well as in higher education. She is a founding member and member of the Strategic Council of SIS.

Fernanda Damacena
Consultant, researcher, lecturer, lawyer and professor on topics related to Environmental Law, Disasters Law and the intersection of these branches with climate change. LLM in Public Law (UFRGS). PhD (2018) and Master (2012) degrees in Law (UNISINOS), having being visiting researcher at Berkeley Law School / California and Visiting Research Fellow at UWA Law School – Australia (2017).  Developed post-doctoral research on Socio-environmental Law and Sustainability (PUC/Paraná, 2020). Founding partner of Fernanda Damacena Legal Consulting. Author of scientific articles, book chapters, co-author of the book “Disaster Law” (2013) and author of the book “Disaster Law and climate compensation in Brazil: limits and potentialities” (2019). Researcher at CEMADEN/Projeto Elos. IFRC Disaster Law Consultant. Member of the Environmental Law Commission of the Bar Association of Novo Hamburgo. Member and Coordinator of the Southern Region of the Brazilian Association of Environmental Law Professors. Pedagogical Coordinator of the Institute of Studies in Governance and Management in Public Administration – IEGGAP. She a founding member of SIS.

Gabriel Kuriyama
Bachelor in International Relations (UFSC, 2022), with research on International Political Ecology. He has experience in project management and process optimization consulting in the Production Engineering Junior Company (EJEP); and was a CNPq scholarship researcher at the Environmental Management and Assessment Laboratory (LGAA-UFSC), with two scientific publications on sustainability indicators in power generation companies. He was a researcher in the Research Group on International Relations and Science, Technology and Innovation (RICTI) and co-author of a book chapter on French scientific diplomacy in Brazil. Currently, he is dedicated to training in the areas of sustainability, climate governance and sustainable finance. He is a fellow of the Youth Climate Leaders Network (since 2022); member of the Brazilian Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (BRASFI) (since 2022) and has taken the courses: “Climate Leadership for the 21st Century”; “ESG – what every professional should know” (Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável); and “Sustainability: Transitions for Green Skills” (Cambridge Judge Business School, 2022).

Gilberto Nascimento
Gilberto Nascimento holds a degree on Civil Engineering (UFRJ, 1981), LLMs in Hydrology (University of Padova/UNESCO, 1983) and in Public Health (FIOCRUZ, 1991), Master degree on Technical Cadastre /Geoprocessing (UFSC, 1986) and Ph.D. degree on Environmental Management – Eng. Production and Systems (UFSC, 2004), with one year in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Department of Urban and Regional Studies. He is the author of technical articles on basic sanitation, urban drainage and environmental management. In the public sector, he has worked in Brazil for over 35 years in planning, coordination and management of projects in Municipalities and State Governments. He was an engineer at Caixa Econômica Federal from 2003 to 2020, working in urban and rural infrastructure, sanitation, sustainable development, socio-environmental risk and climate change.  He was an instructor and lecturer at the Caixa Corporate University. In the private sector, in the 90’s he was a partner in companies, consultant and coordinator of projects in sanitation in low-income areas, urban and road drainage, licensing and environmental impact studies. Internationally, he worked in institutions such as IDB, UNEP-FI and World Bank. In the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES), he served on the Board of Directors in several terms, and is currently Director of ABES Federal District. He is a founding member of SIS.

Guilherme Rodrigues Lima
Guilherme has a degree in Economics (UFRJ) and a M.Sc. degree in Energy Planning (UFRJ) with an emphasis on environmental management. He has had academic experience at the University of Porto (Portugal) and the National Institute of Technology (India) and was a Professor at the Campos Department of Economic Sciences (UFF). He is currently studies manager at the Brazil Climate Centre (CBC) and is a member of SIS’s Sustainable Taxonomy technical team. He has experience analysing economic instruments for preserving biodiversity in the Amazon, such as REDD+ and Ecological ICMS, and developing public policies in the region, such as the Pará State Bioeconomy Plan. He also has experience with participatory processes for co-constructing public policies. He has participated in research related to the implementation of the Brazilian NDC, Climate Financing, Sustainable Development Practices, Water Resources Management, Environmental Impacts of Hydroelectric Projects, Economic Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation and Payment for Environmental Services.

Gustavo de Souza Santos
Environmental Engineer (Universidade Católica de Brasília, 2009), with LLM on Occupational Safety Engineering (UFE, 2011); MBA in Quality Management and Production Engineering (IPOG, 2013) and is currently taking an MBA in Environmental Sanitation (FESP-SP, completion scheduled for 2023). His short trainings include: “Introduction to ESG Finance” (SIS – Sustainable Inclusive Solutions), ISO 14001:2004 Interpretation and implementation (BVQI), OHSAS t8001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, Quality Management System NBR ISO 9001:2008, Environmental Education (National Park of Brasilia, 80 hours), “Sustainable construction”, “Wastewater treatment and water reuse: an integrated view” (ABES), “Management of special waste” (ABES / UnB). He has professional experience in environmental licensing, environmental education, environmental sanitation, management activities and control of environmental and occupational risks in large civil works, and also volunteering in conservation units.

Julio Grillo
Julio has a degree in Civil Engineering (PUC-MG, 1976) and in Sanitary Engineering (UFMG, 1976) and post-graduate degrees in Economic Engineering (1979) and in Financial Administration (1985) from Fundação Dom Cabral, and has attended more than 40 courses in the area of information technology, in Brazil and at ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1979). Julio has more than 40 years of professional experience in the development of large scale information systems for mining, steel industry, wire drawing, civil engineering – dams, metallic structures, geographic information and public transport areas. He has more than 30 years of environmental activism, more than 20 years of experience in the Environmental Councils of Minas Gerais and is a former head of IBAMA (environmental federal agency) in the State of Minas Gerais. He was the founder of the NGO PROMUTUCA and is a board member of the Permanent Forum of São Francisco River, as well as a founding member and member of the Strategic Council of SIS.

Leonardo Ferreira
Agronomic Engineer with a degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2007), Master degree on Plant Production from the State University of Santa Cruz (2010), and Ph.D. candidate on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies at the University of Lisbon. He has over 15 years of experience in strategic sectors, including governments, private companies and non-profit organisations. He works on issues associated with climate crises, land use, food security and ecosystem restoration as adaptation mechanisms. He is currently Program Manager at 1Treellion Global Funds, a US-based fund that aims to plant 1 trillion trees in small communities around the world. He also has expertise in assessing socio-environmental damage, developing policies and models for post-disaster recovery. He is a founding member of SIS.

Luciana Vianna Pereira
Bachelor in Law (UERJ, 2003), Master in Legal Sciences from the Autonomous University of Lisbon (2020), LLM degree on Brazilian Environmental Law (PUC-RJ, 2009) and on Environmental Management (COPPE-UFRJ, 2017), lawyer specialised in sustainability, environmental law, contracts, corporate and regulatory law, partner of L. Vianna Pereira Advocacia, a firm focused in legal consultancy on sustainability and ESG, Professor and coordinator of specialisation courses on ESG focused on the legal profession, author of articles and book chapters on legal aspects of ESG. Luciana is a founding member of SIS.

Luciane Moessa de Souza
Bachelor (UFPR, 1995) and Master degrees on State Law (UFPR, 2001), Ph.D. on Law, State and Society (UFSC, 2010), having been Visiting Scholar at the University of Texas, with research on Consensual Dispute Resolution involving Public Entities, with emphasis on collective conflicts involving public policies. Post-Doctoral research on Economic and Financial Law from USP (2016), having been a visiting researcher at Università Luigi Bocconi (Milan, 2015). Luciane performed several activities in a legal career that lasted two decades, including the structuring of the Brazilian Legal Department of an auto parts industry headquartered in the USA and operating in over 13 countries (Cooper Standard Automotive), working on tax, labour (individual and collective issues, including occupational health and safety), corporate, industrial property and environment, interacting with the national Board of Directors, the global Legal Department and lawfirms based in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte (1998-2000), private practice in her own lawfirm in the fields of environmental, labour, tax and civil Law, with emphasis on consumer issues in the banking sector (2001-2006), practice as Attorney at the Central Bank of Brazil, either in consultancy, litigation or administrative coordination, in matters involving administrative penalty proceedings and judicial collection of fines, public servants conflicts, economic plans, subsidiary responsibility in labour matters (outsourcing), banking and exchange regulation, socio-environmental responsibility of financial institutions (2007-2016), having been seconded to the Conciliation Chamber of the Federal Attorney-General Office (2010-2011), where she worked in conflicts in environmental matters, involving indigenous communities, slave descendants communities, mining and other public policies. In the academic sphere, she taught from 2001 to 2007 in Law graduation courses in Paraná, as well as in several moments in LLM courses, having published four individual books and more than 40 articles in scientific journals and chapters of collective books (two of them edited by herself). Integrating the two spheres (academic and professional), she has trained (in person or online) over a thousand professionals from the legal area and the public sector in Brazil in consensual resolution of collective conflicts involving public policies, having been a speaker on this subject in dozens of events and, more recently, on the subject of her postdoctoral research, which is the connection between the Financial System and Sustainable Development. She is also a member of the Association of Professors of Environmental Law in Brazil (APRODAB), the Institute Law for a Green Planet (IDPV) and the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law. In 2017, Luciane founded Sustainable Inclusive Solutions (SIS), an independent consultancy that was the seed of the SIS Association, founded by her in 2022, with a similar area of activity (to learn more about this period, see SIS History). Currently, besides founding Associação SIS, Luciane is a consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and a researcher at the University of Lisbon, in both cases on Green Finance.

Márcio Luiz Gama
Biologist (UnB, 1995), has a Master degree on Environmental Planning and Management (Catholic University of Brasília, 2002) and an MBA on Project Management (FGV, 2013). He worked at Banco do Brasil from 1988 to 2021, having been Sustainable Business Manager from 2015 to 2021. He also managed the Água Brasil Program from 2015 to 2019, worked on building frameworks for issuing green, social and sustainable bonds, environmental management system and ISO 14001 certification, socio-environmental criteria for agricultural commodities and sustainability guidelines for credit, as well as in the business intelligence area. Represented Banco do Brasil in the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) and in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Member of the International Society for Ecological Economics since 2013 and of the International Society for Industrial Ecology since 2005. Márcio is a founding member of SIS.

Maria Eduarda Senna Mury

Maria Eduarda is a lawyer (UniCEUB, 2016) and has a Master’s degree in Energy and Environmental Change (University of Westminster, 2020). She has postgraduate qualifications in Civil Law and Procedure (Escola da Magistratura, 2018) and Climate Change Law (PUC – Rio, 2020). She has had experience in law firms specialising in environmental law, with a main focus on the electricity sector. In 2021, she started working at the NGO Center for Climate Crime Analysis, which specialises in creating evidence for climate litigation. She has her own law firm, where she advises various organisations. She teaches Environmental Law at UniCEUB’s postgraduate programme.

Matheus Pereira de Souza

Matheus has a degree in International Relations and a Master’s degree in Geography from the Federal University of Roraima. He holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Matheus won a scholarship to Pitzer College (USA) in 2014, as well as a CAPES scholarship for postgraduate studies. He has been Global Operations Manager at NeedsList since June 2023, managing partnerships and teams in several countries. Previously, he worked at the organisation as Programme and Project Manager, focusing on regional responses and technology implementation for refugees. His career also includes positions at the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), with a focus on project management and emergency operations. Matheus is a member of the Effective Altruism Brazil network.

Mayara da Silva Campos

Oceanographer (UFPR, 2016), with a Master degree on Coastal and Oceanic Systems (UFPR, 2019). Among the courses held, we highlight: “Ocean Governance, Ocean Sciences and GeoEthicsOcean” and “Introductory Course to TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)”. Her M.Sc. research focused on climate change impacts on ocean systems.  Currently, she is dedicated to the study of sustainable finance, low carbon economy, guidelines and reports associated with direct and indirect socio-environmental impacts of companies, climate crisis and ocean preservation.

Pedro Santos Mauro de Menezes
Degree in Business Administration, with course completion work in Sustainability (FGV, 2018). Among other courses held, we highlight: “Sustainability: Transitions for Green Skills” (Cambridge Judge Business School, 2022), “Advocacy for Youth” (Election Climate, 2022), “Climate Leadership for the 21st Century” (YCL,Youth Climate Leaders, 2021). He is a Marketing and Sustainability consultant on topics such as product consulting, packaging, copywriting, outreach and sustainable creativity for various sectors: agro, food and technology. He was Marketing Analyst at Fazu Urban Farms (2019-2021), managing the contacts with NGOs, partner companies, clients, suppliers and investors, as well as Google Ads campaigns, social media, and strategic pivoting, investment and business modelling decisions. Founder of the Environmental Collective 1Ambiente (2018-2021), acting in the organisation of educational collective works on the beaches of the North Coast of SP, as well as lectures in colleges and special projects with local actors (cooperatives, collectors etc).

Ramiro Peres
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (UFRGS, 2009), with a Specialisation in Public Law (IMED, 2010), a Master’s Degree (2015) and a PhD (2018) in Philosophy (UFRGS), having published articles and translations in the fields of Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, and Philosophy of Economics—with a recent emphasis on climate risks, socio-environmental responsibility, and intergenerational justice. He is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Philosophy Institute of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he integrates the Ethics and Political Philosophy Laboratory (EPLAB) and the project “Present Democracy for Future Generations”. He is a Analyst of Special Studies at the Department of Cooperative and Non-Banking Institutions Supervision and a member of the Central Bank of Brazil’s (BCB) Postgraduate Committee. He is also a member of the Effective Altruism community in Brazil (AE Brasil).

Renata Bauab Isolato
Bachelor in Social Communication from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, 1992); Master in International Relations, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (Universidad del Salvador/Argentina, 2010), LLMs on Project Management in Public Spheres (Universidad Nacional del Litoral/Argentina, 2013) and on Peace and Conflict Resolution (Chulalongkorn University/Thailand, 2018). Ambassador of the Institute for Economics & Peace (Australia), she has trainings on communication, public policies, human rights, humanitarian action, project development, non-violent communication, leadership and conflict mediation. She has worked on projects in Latin America, Asia and Africa with international organisations – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) – and with the NGO Arab West Foundation (Egypt). As a journalist, she worked in the main Brazilian television networks, private and multinational companies, SEBRAE, Federal Supreme Court, municipal and federal public sector – Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights; Ministry of Justice and Public Safety (National School of Mediation and Conciliation). Her areas of expertise include sustainable and inclusive development projects, in contexts of social transformation, cooperation and justice; social responsibility, education and environmental licensing, energy generation and resource management, environmental compensation and support to municipalities, agribusiness and in socio-environmental conflicts. As a volunteer, she has served Amnesty International, Caritas International, SEBRAE, the Education for Peace Program, detention centres in Argentina and Rotary International.

Tatiana Quintela de Azeredo Bastos
Tatiana Bastos graduated in Law (2012) and History (2005), specialised in Constitutional Civil Law at UERJ (2014), specialised in Diffuse and Collective Rights at FMP (2018) and holds a Master’s degree in Social History from UFRJ (2007). She took part in COP15 on Biodiversity (Montreal) and the International Congress on Process and Collective Protection. She is the CEO the Institute of Collective Law – IDC since 2017 and has been an associate lawyer at Heloisa Helena Advogados Associados since 2014. In her work at the IDC, she develops projects related to environmental protection and social assistance, including administrative and judicial action on climate law, biodiversity and water quality, among other important issues for society.

Thaís Farhat Neves
Thaís is an ESG specialist certified by CPESG – FGV-Projects and LEC (2024) and is specialising in Governance, Risk and Compliance at USP (2026). She graduated in Law from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2017) and has postgraduate degrees in Corporate Law from the Brazilian School of Law (2022) and in Contract Law from the Centre for Studies in Law and Business (2020). She has been trained in various courses on Governance, Compliance and Sustainability, including ‘Green Digital Skills’ by INCO (a partnership between LinkedIn and Microsoft) (2024) and ‘ESG Leadership’ by LEC (2024). With over 9 years’ experience in the corporate sphere, she works as a corporate lawyer, legal consultant and corporate manager. She has worked in the financial, technology, health, construction and industrial sectors, with a particular focus on coordinating legal and compliance issues in banking and payment institutions, and has also worked as a volunteer social consultant for the GESC Institute. She is currently Legal Manager at Moliner & Farhat Sociedade de Advogados, providing legal consultancy and legal management services to companies, including the Social Bank Group, where she previously worked as Legal Coordinator. She has developed and implemented compliance and governance frameworks, led the obtaining of licences and certifications and structured legal departments, always focusing on efficiency and regulatory compliance. She also actively participates in compliance and ESG committees, such as the Compliance Women Committee and the Elas no ESG group.

Victor Esteve Najjar Valle
Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2019-2023), with extensive experience in environmental law and animal rights defence. He is currently a legal assistant at the NGO Animais Importam, where he carries out strategic litigation and advocacy activities, as well as contributing to fundraising. As an administrative assistant on the Specialisation Course in Contract Law at PUC-SP, she is responsible for managing more than 80 students and preparing teaching materials. She has significant experience in environmental law, having worked at renowned firms such as Urbano Vitalino Advogados and Mattos Filho Advogados, where she worked on M&A and IPO cases, drafting specialised opinions and memoranda.
He has developed management and research skills in institutions such as the Forest Code Observatory and the Paulo Nogueira Neto Environmental Law Clinic (CPANN) – USP, managing projects and producing technical reports in partnership with the São Paulo Public Prosecutor’s Office. He is currently a researcher at the Climate Change Workshop – USP and the ‘Law and Sustainability’ Research Group – PUC SP, contributing to international conferences and leading studies on climate adaptation and the carbon market. He was also academic director of the Centro Acadêmico 22 de Agosto – PUC SP, founding and editing the Revista Acadêmica CA 22 de Agosto, and co-founded the Grupo de Estudos de Direito Ambiental (GEDA) – PUC SP. As a researcher in the ‘Development and Indigenous Populations’ Research Group – USP, he has contributed to technical reports submitted to the International Criminal Court. He is the author of several publications in specialised journals and co-author of technical reports on sustainability and indigenous rights, as well as being an active member of organisations such as Laclima and the Law for a Green Planet Institute, and Climate Leader of the Climate Reality Project.

Wendell Andrade de Oliveira
Wendell Andrade is a Forestry Engineer from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (2009) and holds a Master’s degree in Natural Resource Management and Local Development in the Amazon from the Federal University of Pará (2012). He worked for 16 years in the public sector, where he was Executive Secretary of the Pará Forum on Climate Change (FPMC, 2011-14) and coordinated processes to create public policies, such as the Amazônia Agora State Plan (PEAA, 2019-35) and the Eastern Amazon Fund (FAO/EAF, since 2019). He has led strategic environmental areas in the State of Pará, such as the Protected Areas Directorate (IDEFLOR-Bio/PA, 2015-18) and the Planning and Special Projects Directorate (SEMAS/PA, 2019-23), from which he liaised with development banks and multilateral organisations to raise R$2.1 billion for the State.
He is a co-founder of the National Network of Conservation Unit Managers (RENAGUC), having collaborated at national level to create the Permanent Forum of Conservation Unit Managers (2018). He is also one of the Amazonian leaders of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project in Brazil. He is currently teaching a specialisation course in Agri-environmental Law (CESUPA, since 2017) and studying Law at the Federal University of Pará. He has skills and experience in the areas of strategic planning in the public sector, creating and reviewing policies to combat deforestation, climate change (mitigation), climate finance (international cooperation) and conservation units.